So...this week I got some lamb shanks, and they were blummin' lovely. Even he had to agree. Here they are, with rosemary, thyme, tomato etc. and some canellini beans towards the end of cooking.
In other food news, I'm still a big fan of sliced tomato with salt, pepper and red wine vinegar on toast for breakfast. Last week though, I had some tomatoes that were getting a bit soft so I roasted them and swapped the red wine vinegar for balsamic a la The Capitan. Lovely! I might do a weekly rotation of tomatoey toastiness.
In the background you can see one of the little canisters that the aforementioned Capitan sent me yonks ago. I use this one for salt and the other, which is a darker shade of green, for chilli flakes. I love them sooooooo much that I now use way more salt than is good for me. I have a little wooden spoon to go with them too. I may end up with arterial sclerosis, but I'll be doing it in style.
And while we're talking about the Capitan, here's a pic of Jim eating home made pizza. He's sporting the serviette with the tie on that you sent!
More later, Bert xx
Smashing! I'm pretty much living off tomoatoes at the moment, less so the lamb shanks.
ReplyDeleteI knew those serviettes would suit you all!!